According to the theory
of Count Mattei, all the diseases are arise from the vitiation of the lymph and
blood. To restore these to a healthy state, all that is necessary is to supply
remedies which can reach and remove this vitiation, whether it be hereditary or
The Count Mattei claims
to have discovered the following group Electropathic remedies to restore the healthy
state of blood & lymph.
ANGIOTICO cure all
disease arising from a vitiated state of the blood. This condition is indicated
by palpitations of the heart, throbbing of the arteries, rush of blood to the
head, bleeding of the nose, haemorrhages of various kinds, and are therefore to
be employed in such cases as apoplexy, diseases of the heart, haemorrhoids,
vomiting of blood, bloody flux, varicose veins, disordered menstruation, and
all forms of fever accompanied by a high temperature and a bounding pulse
(alternated with febrifugo).
SCROFOLOSO are another
group of the greatest importance, covering by far the widest range of medicinal
action, and curing all those disorders which originate in a vitiation of the
lymph. The count divides the whole diseased community into two great sections
the Lymphatic or Scrofulous, and the Angiotico or Sanguineous.
A patient has belongs to which
one of these constitutions?
Is the patient sanguine or lymphatic?
If subject to vertigo,
palpitation, piles, varicose veins, haemorrhages of any kind, congestion of the
face and head, the patient, is unquestionable sanguine, and the Angioticos in
various dilution are the remedies.
If, on the other hand
none of these characteristics are present, but anaemia, indigestion, liability
to colds, want of appetites, then the patient is unquestionably lymphatic, and
Scrofoloso in one form or another is the medicine.
The Count further
recognises the combination of both these condition in certain patients of a mixed
temperament and then advice that, according as the one other predominates, so
the Scrofoloso or Angiotico remedies should be proportionally combined to secure
successful treatment.
Vitiation of the lymph is
manifested by glandular swellings, scrofulous running, disordered digestion,
all varieties of disease, constipation, dropsy, disorders of the urinary and
generative systems, ulcers, fistulas, diseases of the eyes, ears, and nose, and
all disorders, accompanied by a pale face and bloodless lips and gums.
The Scrofoloso No.I and No.5
have probably the widest range of action of all the Count's remedies, being
required in almost nine cases out of ten.
CANCEROSO come next in
importance as they have a specific relation to disease which have taken such a
firm lodgement in lymph that the Scrofoloso fail to expel them. Hence in all
ulcerations and tumours and inflammations, and diseases of the lungs, liver,
stomach, and generative system, and which are ordinarily amenable to the
Scrofoloso, but have assumed such a chronic character and become, so to speak,
incurable by simple measure,
The Canceroso come into
play, and exert a most beneficial and of times marvellous action. Here, again,
Canceroso I and Canceroso 5 are the chief remedies in this group. The former
being commonly employed internally, the latter externally, in lotions
ointments, baths, inhalations.
PETTORALE are probably
the next important in their range of action, dealing as they do with affections
which are too prevalent amongst us, arising from our climacteric changes, and
our insular position, such as laryngitis, pneumonia, phthisis. In fact, every
form of throat and chest disease, commonly combined according to the indications
for their use with the Angiotico and Canceroso.
Pettorale No.1 in 2nd dilution
deals with acute affections of throat and lungs (and may be applied as ointment
externally at the same time), and cures bronchitis with a thick greenish
Pettorale No.2 is
specially indicated where cavities exist in the lungs (Coupled with Canceroso
internally and externally) or haemorrhage exist (with Angiotico 3 in 3rd
Pettorale No.3 is the
best for children, and suited to all chronic catarrhal conditions,
Pettorale No.4 is very
valuable in all forms of cough with a viscid whitish liquid expectoration.
FEBRIFUGO as the name
denotes, are suitable to all feverish condition, particularly those of an
intermittent type, and combined with other medicines indicated, are given in
almost every case accompanied by a high temperature and a rapid pulse.
Febrifugo No.1 is
commonly given internally. The more acute the disease, the weaker should be the
dilution (3rd ), and given in frequent dose. It is also of extreme
value in all disorders of the liver and spleen, acute or chronic.
Febrifugo Nuovo or f₂ is
occasionally administered when F1 fails, but for the most part is applied externally
by means of compresses and ointments.
VERMIFUGO as their name
indicates, destroy all forms of worms which infect the unhealthy human body
like thread worms, round worms, tapeworms, and probably hydatids also.
The Vermifugo No.1 is
commonly used internally in second dilution, and its action is wonderfully
supported by five or six drops of the Yellow Electricity taken night and
morning simultaneously.
VENEREO as its named
denotes, deals with diseases generated by a specific and baneful poison in a
way that would surprise many who now pin their faith to mercury and iodide of
potassium. These remedies are effective on the Urogenital system, they have
anti-syphilitic, anti-gonorrhoeal properties.
intermediate remedy between the Angiotico and Scrofoloso. and is valuable in
many forms of disease which these two groups deal with. It is used both
internally in dilution at meals, and externally in baths, ointments, lotions.
These remedies are effective on Lymph and Blood, they have an anti-inflammatory
number, colourless and distinguished by the name and colour of the hand
surrounding the neck of the bottles. I do not for a moment imagine there is any
electricity as this is understood stored in these bottles, neither does the
Count assert this. but there is an undoubted instangous action of which the patient is conscious when
suffering from pain or haemorrhage when these liquids are applied.
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